When on vacation, you tend to see things more clearly. What I see very clearly is the tremendous stupidity of attention-seeking idiots who should know better. Take this "quote" by Achilles in the 2004 movie Troy.
Now imagine if any of the idiots involved had actually read the Iliad. The defining characteristic of a Mycenaean ruler / king was that they fought in battle, usually in individual bouts on chariot, but also in single combat on foot, and also often in the battle line.
Without this ability to fight (usually the only exemptions were made for royals of advanced age, like Priam, but Priam was championed by his sons), a King would not remain King for long.
Whatever else we can say about Agamemnon and his ilk, they were no strangers to slaughter.
It's simply mind-boggling to me how much rank stupidity and dreck is on social media today. And how much this influences people's "real life" behaviour. Tragic.
We don't need to wait for a Zombie apocalypse. It's here already. They aren't looking for a human snack -- just the next rush of dopamine and manufactured rage.
Here is Book 11 of the Iliad, about Agamemnon (whom Achilles is criticising in the movie quote below):
"And among them Agamemnon rushed forth the first and slew a warrior, Bienor, shepherd of the host,—himself and after him his comrade, Oïleus, driver of horses. Oïleus verily leapt down from his chariot and stood and faced him, [95] but even as he rushed straight upon him the king smote him on the forehead with his sharp spear, nor was the spear stayed by his helm, heavy with bronze, but passed through it and through the bone, and all his brain was spattered about within; so stayed he him in his fury. These then did Agamemnon, king of men, leave there, [100] gleaming with their naked breasts, when he had stripped off their tunics, and went on to slay Isus and Antiphus, two sons of Priam, one a bastard and one born in wedlock, the twain being in one car: the bastard the reins, but glorious Antiphus stood by his side to fight. These twain had Achilles on a time [105] bound with fresh withes amid the spurs of Ida, taking them as they were herding their sheep, and had set them free for a ransom. But now the son of Atreus, wide-ruling Agamemnon, struck Isus on the breast above the nipple with a cast of his spear, and Antiphus he smote hard by the ear with his sword, and cast him from the chariot. [110] Then he made haste to strip from the twain their goodly battle-gear, knowing them full well, for he had seen them before by the swift ships, when Achilles, fleet of foot brought them from Ida. And as a lion easily crusheth the little ones of a swift hind, when he hath seized them with his strong teeth, [115] and hath come to their lair, and taketh from them their tender life,—and the mother, though she chance to be very near, cannot succour them, for on herself too cometh dread trembling, and swiftly she darteth through the thick brush and the woodland, hasting and sweating before the onset of the mighty beast; [120] even so was no one of the Trojans able to ward off destruction from these twain, but themselves were driven in flight before the Argives. Then took he Peisander and Hippolochus, staunch in fight. Sons were they of wise-hearted Antimachus, who above all others in hope to receive gold from Alexander, goodly gifts, [125] would not suffer that Helen be given back to fair-haired Menelaus. His two sons lord Agamemnon took, the twain being in one car, and together were they seeking to drive the swift horses, for the shining reins had slipped from their hands, and the two horses were running wild; but he rushed against them like a lion, [130] the son of Atreus, and the twain made entreaty to him from the car: “Take us alive, thou son of Atreus, and accept a worthy ransom; treasures full many he stored in the palace of Antimachus, bronze and gold and iron, wrought with toil; thereof would our father grant thee ransom past counting, [135] should he hear that we are alive at the ships of the Achaeans.” So with weeping the twain spake unto the king with gentle words, but all ungentle was the voice they heard: “If ye are verily the sons of wise-hearted Antimachus, who on a time in the gathering of the Trojans, when Menelaus [140] had come on an embassage with godlike Odysseus, bade slay him then and there, neither suffer him to return to the Achaeans, now of a surety shall ye pay the price of your father's foul outrage.” He spake, and thrust Peisander from his chariot to the ground, smiting him with his spear upon the breast, and backward was he hurled upon the earth. [145] But Hippolochus leapt down, and him he slew upon the ground, and shearing off his arms with the sword, and striking off his head, sent him rolling, like a round stone, amid the throng. These then he let be, but where chiefly the battalions were being driven in rout, there leapt he in, and with him other well-greaved Achaeans. [150] Footmen were ever slaying footmen as they fled perforce, and horsemen horse-men — and from beneath them uprose from the plain the dust which the thundering hooves of horses stirred up — and they wrought havoc with the bronze. And lord Agamemnon, ever slaying, followed after, calling to the Argives. [155] And as when consuming fire falls upon thick woodland, and the whirling wind beareth it everywhither, and the thickets fall utterly as they are assailed by the onrush of the fire; even so beneath Agamemon, son of Atreus, fell the heads of the Trojans as they fled, and many horses with high-arched necks rattled [160] empty cars along the dykes of battle, lacking their peerless charioteers, who were lying upon the ground dearer far to the vultures than to their wives.